Strategic energy management.
Helping large organisations thrive, by moving towards a clean, reliable and affordable energy future.
At EfficientSee we help large organisations thrive, by supporting them to move towards a clean, efficient energy future.
We help clients in the industrial, commercial and government sectors to navigate the shifting landscape of renewables and support them to use energy more efficiently.
Since 2009 we have identified more than $13.59M dollars in energy savings for our clients, along with over 13,172 tonnes in emissions.
By 2030 we aim to have uncovered over $50M in savings potential for our clients along with over 50,000 tonnes of CO2-e emissions.
Our Measurable Impact So Far
Cost Savings
Emissions Savings
Electricity Savings
Continuous Energy Improvement
Our experienced project managers and engineers use the four-stage EfficientSee methodology to create positive, lasting and measurable change for our clients:
Stage One: Assess
Energy management strategies. Energy audits. ISO 50001 ready programs.
In the Assess stage we unearth the energy opportunities that exist for your organisation and identify the most fruitful next steps. We will explore your organisation’s current energy consumption, conduct energy audits, identify opportunities and recommend the most impactful initiatives to prioritise.
Stage Two: Analyse
Energy consumption forecasting. Business Case Development. Data Science & Energy Modelling.
In the Analyse stage we take the most promising initiatives from Stage One and submit them to a rigorous pressure-test. We conduct data analysis to get a more defined savings prediction and develop the project design to the point where we can build a robust business case with realistic predictions and costings.
Stage Three: Activate
Project Management. Industrial Energy Efficiency Projects. Large Scale Energy Projects. Energy & Condition Monitoring Systems.
In the Activate stage we move to the second stage of project planning, with more detailed schedules, detailed budgets, timelines, OH&S and supplier contracts. Our experienced team employs our unique project management methodology to de-risk your energy projects and to expertly manage a network of suppliers and collaborators.
Stage Four: Achieve
Performance Verification. Carbon and Energy Reporting. ISO 50001 Certification.
At EfficientSee we’re big on proof of impact. Which is why the Achieve stage is focused on quantifying the impact of your project, including emissions reductions and cost savings. This is where we check that the project not only met its objectives, but also delivered the savings projected in the business case.
Specialists in some of the largest primary sectors.
Water and Utilities
“We’ve seen excellent results from this relationship, and we are proud to be the first Australian company to achieve full ISO 50001 certification”
Shaun Ledson, General Manager, Allwater
Health Care
“EfficientSee provided a very thorough Level 2 Energy Audit for several key sites within our portfolio… I would be very pleased to recommend EfficientSee.”
James Minagall, Manager Property Services, UnitingSA
“EfficientSee has added value to our organisation through their suite of services including; energy analysis, project planning, tender management, engineering reports and project management.“
Eric Bent, Reliability Manager, Orora Fibre Packaging
“EfficientSee have helped deliver some transformational projects that have helped us accelerate our journey of smarter (advanced) manufacturing and become leaders in our sector.”
Shaun Sunnasy, Operations Manager, Balco Limited
We’ve also worked in Food & Beverage, Mining, Energy, Commercial Building, Government, Hospitality, Education, Retail and others.
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